Out of stock
KHP-90 (1 or 2 pickups)
Out of stock
KHP-90 Goodbye-Soldering Harness
Base price is $55 for a single Volume pot and Jack Socket. As more modules are included, the price increases accordingly. See pictures of modules below.
Use this ORDER CHANNEL if you are buying a harness with or without pickups. Order your pickups first, and then come back here to add the harness. Generally, this will not increase the cost of shipping but sometimes might add $4.
Suitable for stock Les Pauls, LP Jnr, some Epiphones, wide-body f-holes like Gibson ES175, etc., some PRS, and Custom designs. Message us with your unique requirements, and we will try to help you. Cheap knock-off brands often have differences that make installation very difficult, so best not to try.
Not suitable for thin body f-hole guitars such as Gibson 335 and Epiphone Casino etc., or Gibson SG solid body (too thin) and Telecaster Thinline.
NOTE: Ideally, this ORDER CHANNEL requires a connection to a printer to make a paper copy of the different types of switches and pots we offer.
NOTE: Not available for Left Hand, Right hand only.
Accepts non-Kinman pickups also. (Screw-Down connector block accepts bare wires of other brand pickups as well as Kinman Harness Plugs)

Screw-Down connector block

A FREE high quality screwdriver to tighten the small screws is included with your harness.
Soldering is eliminated 100% with this ingenious harness, regardless of the pickup brand. Screw-down connectors (not shown in illustrations below) make it suitable for Kinman and other brands of pickups (not Gibson with five wire plugs).
As with all Kinman Harness, the volume pots have our famous treble by-pass filter fitted and the Tone pot has a slide switch to select Normal .022uF cap or our Hi-Definition cap.
Easy turning pots for easy finger rolling (violinning). If you find it too easy, place a felt washer under the knob to stiffen the feel as desired.
- Switchcraft toggle switches (USA)
- OAK Grigsby lever switch (USA)
- Switchcraft Jack socket (USA)
- High quality easy, turning pots with accurate value specially made for Kinman (3/8″ bushing)
- Knobs & Switch tip included a choice of colors.

Config No 13 of KHP-90 with humbucker Push/Push splitting switches on the Tone controls.

Config No 11 of KHP-90 for non-splitting pickups.
Technical Stuff

The TK9 with unobtrusive subterranean mounted Series/Parallel mini Toggle switch.

Under the hood of the TK9, a masterpiece of design and engineering.

Adapter Kit that gets soldered to pickup wires that do not have a Kinman Harness plug.