Choose From Our Popular Kinman Pickups
Handwound, Handmade,
Technical, and Unique
By Experienced Craftsmen
Kinman offer a wide selection of customizable pckup models, with a huge range of finish and spec options, allowing you to get the superb tone that you need with Zero Hum.
Kinman P-90 Hx – Jazzmaster
Now you can install any of the 7 different Kinman P-90 Hx in your Jazzmaster with our special covers that have 53mm pole spread for the bridge pickup and 50mm pole spread for the neck pickup. Choose from 7 different models in the P-90 Hx section.


299 5-Star Reviews
I’ve gotta’ say, I’m loving these pickups. Especially the #2 and #4 positions. I don’t get that low mid mush that happens in 2 & 4 position with so many other pickups. Nice quack and definition without adjusting the EQ. Of course the other positions sound brilliant as well. Furthermore I have more sparkle on top then I expected, what a great surprise and again, better than so many other Strat pickups I’ve tried. Some of the reviews I read on forums asserted that they don’t have the top-end extension of “real” Strat pickups. They sound plenty open to me.
Thanks again for all your help and a great set of pickups! Pete (California)
ED: Thanks Pete, we have often said the sonic performance of our Gen-2 models surpasses ordinary Strat pickups … it’s good to receive your confirmation of that. Thanks for writing.
Ok guys, I admit it…I was a little nervous about the Clapton set. I’ve had the Woodstock set for a couple of years and they’re soooo good I pretty much stopped playing my other guitars. Would the A56’s be as good?… Hellyeah!!!!! I’m just blown away!! Just wanted you to know these are THE BEST pickups ever. I’ve been playing for 35 years and always been a humbucker man. Now, I’m looking to Kinman-ize a Jaguar, a couple of Tele’s and a Danelectro. Thanks for the OUTSTANDING pickups. I am singing the praises of Kinman to all my guitar buds here in Texas. Now let’s see, Broadcaster set for the two teles, jaguar dano …man, my wife is going to kill me.
Installed a new Impersonator 54 in my USA select Jackson Soloist, neck position. I’m absolutely speechless about the tone of this pickup. I never expected to achieve such a night-and-day difference as compared to the stock SD Classic Stack. There is no comparison.
The Kinman pickup is hands down the most dynamic, rich, detailed, and dimensioned pickup that I’ve ever experienced (both regular pickups and noiseless). Some things in this world are all hype, but Kinman tone is the real deal and is a refreshing expression of true engineering genius, fabricating skill, and top tier quality in all respects. Thank You Chris Kinman for the small package of pure magic! Craig Runk (Michigan USA)
Impersonator A56 & Gilmour set: thank you for transforming a good guitar into a great, expressive polyvalent quiet and inspiring instrument. Long live Kinman!
I bought your SRV set with three Impersonator Fat 50’s. These are the pickups your mother warned you about! Beautifully noiseless of course and with gain to spare. The SRV set transformed my Strat into a snarling Texas beast and made me feel I was channeling the late and great man himself. I can’t play anything like SRV but I can now sound like him. I love the way the pickups breakup early when even mildly driven but still retain a clarity of sound that carries the signature Strat sound. Quite remarkable really.
Our Blogs
Seth Lover’s humbucker
By Chris|2022-08-30T22:43:50+00:00August 27th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|
At today’s value of some $1,000+ for a single pickup some of the genuine original late 1950’s Gibson PAF’s are widely believed to be the best humbucker. People talk [...]
Inventing and re-inventing the legendary Stratocaster pickup
By Chris|2022-08-30T22:44:02+00:00August 27th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|
In a far off land a long time ago, a fellow called Leo was experimenting with solid body guitars and a new concept in pickup design. No one really [...]
Magnets – why Alnico?
By Chris|2022-08-30T22:44:10+00:00August 27th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|
Magnets: Do magnets shape the tone? (and what are the differences between Alnico, Samarium Cobalt, and Ferrite?) Hearing is believing, click on these to hear my point: "Sound" & [...]